Applied Learning Programme (ALP)
GreeNovation @ PPS
The school’s Applied Learning Programme, named “GreeNovation @ PPS” in essence aims to promote green education to all its stakeholders and encourage the students to tackle environmental issues confronting the world today through innovative thinking. In line with the school’s mission of “Igniting the Joy of Learning. Inspiring All to Care and Share.” and vision of “A Gracious Community of Confident and Innovative Life-long Leaners.”, the school seeks to leverage GreeNovation to hone 21CC skills through inquiry-based learning.
The school has built its strength on environment education to integrate the different disciplines and a 6-year Environment-Art Science Plan, Environment-Science Plan and Green Learning Journey Programme to guide the implementation of interdisciplinary learning and instil “Joy of Learning”. Basic Science process skills such as observing, comparing and classifying as well as high order thinking skills, collaborative learning skills and problem-solving skills are introduced progressively in lower primary to upper level to generate curiosity and creativity in the young minds. The green curriculum is also integrated into all subjects offered in PPS.
With the school’s commitment to develop the students holistically, the GreeNovation @PPS further develops all students in their “head, heart and hands”.
Heart: The programme will first open the heart of the students to appreciate the miracle in Mother Nature and what Mother Nature has provided all living things with. The students will also be brought through the reality of how Man’s actions have impacted the nature negatively and the speed of harm these actions have on nature and our Earth.
Head: students will learn Critical Thinking Skills to analyse real data, make inference and make sound decision. They will also learn Inventive Thinking Skills, Problem-Solving Skills and Communicating and Collaborating Skills that will allow them to work with other students, parents, residents around the school to identify and solve environmental issues in PPS, the neighbourhood and overseas.
Hands: The programme will guide the students with the skills required, as well as create various platforms for students to put what they have learned into action to contribute in their own unique ways in protecting the environment and our Earth.
GreeNovation @ PPS will complement and extend the learning of these knowledge and skills by applying them to authentic and real-life setting. It will allow the students to have a better awareness of Man’s impact on the environment, while at the same time provide more opportunities for them to work and learn from people in the community, other organisations as well as their counterparts in other countries (ie overseas twining schools).